Susan Perry who has a great blog on creativity (Creating in Flow) at the Psychology Today site asked me to participate in a Blog Tour. It’s a way to introduce you to my writing process and two or three other creative people (I feature two). The Blog Tour asks that I answer four questions about my writing process. And I will, but let me tell you a little more about Susan Perry. She has a novel, Kylie’s Heel, and a website so be sure to visit them also. Now to the … [Read more...]
Thomas Fiffer: Clear the cache and stop the recrimination
Clear the cache and stop the recrimination This morning, after staying up extremely late writing, I heard the words "straight from the conscience" and "stop the recrimination." I don't hear voices, but I take the words that float into my head seriously. And when my conscience speaks, I listen. As I tried to divine what these phrases might mean, I also heard "clear the cache." I had cleared the cache on my laptop last night after Blogger started acting wonky. For … [Read more...]
Shattered by Thomas G. Fiffer
Tom Fiffer was one of the first friends I "met" on FB, and I have been following his posts ever since. He wrote "Shattered" in response to the tragedy at Newtown, CT, and posted it on December 17 to his Tom Aplomb blog. I am grateful he is letting me reprint it here. Shattered Like glass. Those are the words I thought I heard this morning. An image of our strength and our fragility. A metaphor for strength in fragility. I pictured … [Read more...]