Today is National Hug Day! There really is nothing better than a good hug. . . O.K., well maybe there are better things, but hugs are right up there! This is the message posted by Brendan Coudal this morning on his Facebook page. This illustration is inspired by his cats, Max and Phoebe, two furry pals who allow him and his wife Nicole to live with them each day. Brendan's cartoons will soon be released world-wide, but until then, please visit … [Read more...]
Hug it out
Today I am happy to post "The Kiss-Me-Quick," a story by Rochelle Distelheim, which I first fell for when it appeared in the Visiting Hours anthology put out by Press 53. I'm happy to say that Rochelle and I are in the same writing group so I have had the privilege of reading her work for some years now. It's been enough years that I have read her novel Jerusalem As a Second Language, witnessed how it was crafted to win the 2012 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative … [Read more...]