As usual contributors to Solace in So Many Words have been busy writing and publishing. Susan Mahan has two poems "Voiceover" and "Cabbage Days" in U.M.Ph! Since May, two of her poems with Boston themes have been hanging in Boston City Hall --- they are "Mayday" and "Getting Lucky." Susan's poem "On the Lower Left Quadrant" is included in the online journal Poetry Porch; the theme was bridges. Kathleen Kirk also has a poem ("Last Step") in that issue. Fathers was the … [Read more...]
Wrap up the old and unwrap the new
I've been putting off writing this blog, concentrating instead on the holidays and goofing off. But I wanted to tell you what the contributors have been up to because they have been busy. And, I wanted to tell you the latest about Solace in So Many Words even though I haven't been busy, exactly. First to tell you about my busy contributors. Arthur Powers ("Jardim Zological") emailed me back in November to say his short story "Thom" was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by … [Read more...]
Contributor Updates — Somlo, Donahoo, Powers
Hello everybody. With the temperatures spiking, the word for the day is: languorous. But I know even in this heat you can manage to read a story, and if you read any story today, check out Patty Somlo's "Resistors" in the latest issue Hamilton Stone Review. It is a stunner. And you won't go to a dinner party again without thinking about it. (BTW, Patty wrote "Starting to Breathe" in Solace in So Many Words.) H\s T H E H A M I L T O N S T O N E R E V I E W … [Read more...]
Gratitude, part 2
I guess the most logical way for me to lay out my series of thank-yous is go about it chronologically. If I start at the very beginning I must start by thanking Fran Podulka, my neighbor and mentor. Soon after I moved in, I was going through a Reynolds Price phase. While searching the library stacks for his works, I came across Fran's novel The Wonder Jungle (Putnam, 1973). I read it, called her, told her I was a writer myself, and we have been friends since. Fran … [Read more...]