Don't forget Laura Rodley has two new books of poetry. If you are in Turner Falls, MA, Laura is having a double-duty reading there on April 15 at the Gill Montague Senior Center at 1:oo pm. Also, toot-toot, if you're from around here, I'll be reading tonight at seven at Evanston Art Center with Jorge Sanchez as part of the SalonSeries. I am excited because I have not read in a while -- toot-toot, I'll be like the Little Engine That Could. Thanks again to Beth … [Read more...]
Laura Rodley has two new books!
Congrats to Laura Rodley. She has two new poetry books out this spring. Counter Point by Prolific Press came out March 22. I had the pleasure of reading it (and blurbing it). It’s a pirate tale, which will "transport you to the North Atlantic in the early 1700s. Novelistic in scope, Counter Point uses scene, dialogue, and action-driven narrative. And like any good novel, this book introduces an unforgettable character, Marie, an ordinary girl . . . who learns to navigate … [Read more...]