It’s Mother’s Day weekend. Hope you have sunny weather ahead. How nice to open my email and receive this poem from Laura Rodley, the Massachusetts poet whose work is often featured here and in other places such as the New Verse News (where her poem Pushcart-winning poem Resurrection appeared in 2013). She is also a freelance writer for publications such as Country Folks. I can always count on her to give me something imagistic, evocative and full of feeling. These days … [Read more...]
Laura Rodley has two new books!
Congrats to Laura Rodley. She has two new poetry books out this spring. Counter Point by Prolific Press came out March 22. I had the pleasure of reading it (and blurbing it). It’s a pirate tale, which will "transport you to the North Atlantic in the early 1700s. Novelistic in scope, Counter Point uses scene, dialogue, and action-driven narrative. And like any good novel, this book introduces an unforgettable character, Marie, an ordinary girl . . . who learns to navigate … [Read more...]
Prompts and ponies
Hey there -- it's Poetry Month! Are you looking for inspiration? Consider these sites that will help if you have writer's block. Karen Craigo's Better View of the Moon has been featuring prompts all month; when it is not Poetry Month, Karen writes about other topics of interest to writers. Marty McConnell's Fierce Voice, which features specific prompts throughout the year. Sign up for the mailing list and inspiration will be sent right to your mailbox. If you are … [Read more...]
Hunger by Laura Rodley
Hunger Does the maple leaf hunger for the sun, shaking hands with its light, the light that turns the maples’ leaves to rusty orange, heavy with color, so heavy they drop? Does the cardinal hunger for its mate, how they are never more than twenty feet away from each other, the wind of their flight, attaining bird seeds or shelter, so close they thrive? Do the deer hunger for acorns, remembering the buttery taste of those already eaten, or do they step … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Laura Rodley “Gateway”
Gateway Gateway to heaven, Cecropia flits to my doorway, flaps her wings, Morse code from God, life everlasting, she lays her full body against my brass doorknob. Her journey is done, her wings are tattered, she will lay her eggs and disappear. Like all faith, she is ephemeral and falls down from the skies. How did she find me? How did she know I was seeking solace? And she brought a disciple, another Cecropia, much smaller, that lay beside the lit porch … [Read more...]