Solace in So Many Words got a terrific write-up in ForeWord Reviews. Reviewer Chris Fisher called the book ”a beautiful quilt of essays, stories, and poems.” As always, my thanks goes to the contributors for letting me use their material. Here's a highlight: "There are two common threads that tie together the book's contributed pieces. First, each writer dares to bear his or her soul in an honest, sometimes brutally revealing manner. Second, the quality or artfulness of … [Read more...]
Publication date reading at Barbara’s and our latest review — reasons to celebrate
May 12 was the official publication date of Solace in So Many Words and also the date for our second reading. This was one was at Barbara's Bookstore (UIC), which has a separate performance space with great acoustics. The event, which was well-attended, started off with my short explanation of the book and how it came to be, followed by outstanding readings by: Carol Kanter who read her three poems, "Her Best Medicine," "Alternative Eulogy," and "The Advanced Course," Pat … [Read more...]
Our first review
In case you have not heard the news, Solace in So Many Words got its first review. It is from The Midwest Book Review and was also uploaded to our Amazon page (thanks James A. Cox!) and is reprinted here: That bit of knowledge that everything will be alright is something not to be overlooked. "Solace" is a collection of essays, stories, and fiction compiled by Ellen Wade Beals as she offers the contributions of a wide range of individuals as they speak on the crises of … [Read more...]
Weighed Words, Micropublisher
I often find something in Nathan Bransford’s blogs. He’s a smart guy. His April 6 column asked: Who Should Have the ‘Indie’ Label: Self Publishers or Small Presses? I bristle when someone refers to my project as self-publishing because although this is a project I have published, it is not self-publishing. Weighed Words won’t publish my novel or yours. The same goes for your chapbook and mine. Weighed Words has a specific mission to publish mixed-genre anthologies of … [Read more...]
My new lucky numbers
I am taking the day off to visit a friend, look at eagles, and play roulette. I have my regular favorite numbers based on important dates in my life. Now I have two new favorite ones: 5 and 12. That's because Solace in So Many Words launches on May 12. I don't expect to make a wad at the roulette table nor will I blow one, and that's okay with me. I want to blow off a little steam, get a little charge, maybe misbehave a little. But lucky? The way I look at things … [Read more...]