To live content with small means. To seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion. To be worthy not respectable, and wealthy not rich. To study hard, think quietly, talk gently, act frankly, to listen to stars, birds, babes, and sages with open heart, to bear all cheerfully, do all bravely, await occasions, hurry never. In a word, to let the spiritual, unbidden and unconscious, grow up through the common. This is to be my … [Read more...]
Some days
You see clouds and think if you could just cross those peaks and find a soft place on the other side, you’d be okay. Ellen Wade Beals … [Read more...]
A Glimpse of Solace
Arnie B. Kanter In Kenya, Amboselli is known for its elephants. Our host at Ol Kanjo, the small tented camp at which my wife, Carol, and I are staying, is Mike, an American who has lived with his wife, Judy, in Kenya for more than forty years. As we drive down the dirt road, Mike notices a family of elephants approaching. At first, there appear to be ten or fifteen elephants, but as the group approaches, it swells to thirty, then, forty. Carol and I sit in the open jeep … [Read more...]