Long time, no post. No excuse except to say I, like so many people, have been overwhelmed with current events. But one upcoming event I want you to know about is the launch of Rochelle Distelheim’s new novel, Jerusalem as a Second Language. Rochelle was a friend and mentor and fellow member of The Writers, and she passed away this summer. So this event is a book launch and also a celebration of her life. The virtual event is this Sunday, October, 4 at 2 pm.. You can … [Read more...]
Looking back, looking forward
If you read my last post you know that Solace in So Many Words is one-year-old. I have been thinking of the highlights from the past year. But before I give that account let me tell you how great it was that last week started with congratulatory flowers, sent by neighbor and mentor Fran Podulka and her husband Phil to celebrate the gold medal award Solace in So Many Words won from the Next Generation Indie Awards sponsored by Independent Book Publishing Professionals … [Read more...]
Address correction–oops!
It has come to my attention that I gave out the incorrect address for our reading -- The Book Stall's address is 811 Elm Street. Here is the corrected announcment: Celebrate Poetry Month with Solace! April 10, 2012, Tuesday at 7:30 The Book Stall at Chestnut Court, 811 Elm Street, Winnetka 847-446-8880 There are more than 50 poems in Solace in So Many Words by poets like Antler, Philip Levine, Ellen Bass . . .so, please join editor Ellen Wade Beals and … [Read more...]
Tuesday, April 10 at The Book Stall
I've been working on email problems all day so I wanted to remember how beautiful spring is (hence, the photo) and I want to remind you of our next reading event (hence, the following announcement). Celebrate Poetry Month with Solace! April 10, 2012, Tuesday at 7:30 The Book Stall at Chestnut Court, 566 Chestnut Street, Winnetka 847-446-8880 There are more than 50 poems in Solace in So Many Words by poets like Antler, Philip Levine, Ellen Bass . . .so, please join … [Read more...]