Hello. Hope your Spring has sprung. Here in Chicago we have not quite gotten to warm weather yet. And the news seems to be that other areas of the country have also experienced a return to winter. I guess we should expect April to be harsh for as T. S. Eliot told us: "April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain." BTW, Happy Poetry Month. Cuban-American author Margarita Engle has an … [Read more...]
Creativity and coloring
Greetings. Hope your first week in the new year went splendidly. I haven't gotten much accomplished but I have been having fun. No doubt there are downsides to being so hyper-connected to the Internet and our phones. For instance, we often don't spend time in the moment. We're distracted. And it's been said we're losing the art of conversation. But I think that in a way this connectivity has driven creativity. Whether you're creating a meme or snappy Tweet or shopping … [Read more...]