Happy Poetry Month! Harumph, harrumph. It’s the smack dab middle of the month, also our tax deadline day, and in Chicago, the landscape is once again clearing from a surprise snow shower (see Glimpse of Solace). I wanted to share some stuff with you. First, as I have before in this space, I recommend you drop in on Dave Bonta’s poetry blog, Via Negativa. A recent post is "National Poetry Day is a failure." It will get you thinking. Dave links to the post "Against … [Read more...]
Luisa A. Igloria — seven poems
In my last post I introduced you to Dave Bonta, a poet and literary magazine editor from the eastern edge of western Pennsylvania, and his must-read blog Via Negativa, which posts poems, photos, essays, etc. I also mentioned that there is microblog companion site called The Morning Porch. Here Dave posts short (140 character) descriptions and poems; these in turn have been used as prompts by master poet Luisa A. Igloria who writes a poem every day mostly in response to … [Read more...]