I will get better at posting every day. Lately the blog has been taking a backseat to my other duties as publisher, like working on the e-book and planning the launch and readings of Solace in So Many Words. But I can be remiss no longer, and I will now update the information on The Collection Giveaway contest, and since I missed about twenty posts, I will give you twenty reasons that show short stories are the bomb. Here's the skinny: Weighed Words is celebrating May as … [Read more...]
In case you missed it–a great new review!
Solace in So Many Words got a terrific write-up in ForeWord Reviews. Reviewer Chris Fisher called the book ”a beautiful quilt of essays, stories, and poems.” As always, my thanks goes to the contributors for letting me use their material. Here's a highlight: "There are two common threads that tie together the book's contributed pieces. First, each writer dares to bear his or her soul in an honest, sometimes brutally revealing manner. Second, the quality or artfulness of … [Read more...]
Carl Jung
Go into your grief, for there your soul will grow. - Carl Jung … [Read more...]
Win books as part of Short Story Month
I found out from Dan Wicket of Emerging Writers Network that May is Short Story Month. Erika Dreifus at Fiction Writers Review came up with idea to celebrate with The Collection Giveaway Project, urging bloggers interested in the short story to participate. So we are! Weighed Words is recommending Bluebirds Used to Croon in the Choir (Triquarterly Books/Northwestern) and we’ll give it away on May 31 to someone who responds to the blog. This book is by Joe Meno (his first … [Read more...]
Our first review
In case you have not heard the news, Solace in So Many Words got its first review. It is from The Midwest Book Review and was also uploaded to our Amazon page (thanks James A. Cox!) and is reprinted here: That bit of knowledge that everything will be alright is something not to be overlooked. "Solace" is a collection of essays, stories, and fiction compiled by Ellen Wade Beals as she offers the contributions of a wide range of individuals as they speak on the crises of … [Read more...]