I often find something in Nathan Bransford’s blogs. He’s a smart guy. His April 6 column asked: Who Should Have the ‘Indie’ Label: Self Publishers or Small Presses? I bristle when someone refers to my project as self-publishing because although this is a project I have published, it is not self-publishing. Weighed Words won’t publish my novel or yours. The same goes for your chapbook and mine. Weighed Words has a specific mission to publish mixed-genre anthologies of … [Read more...]
What is new with contributors?
I could says thanks every day to my contributors and it wouldn't be enough. That they answered my call for submissions and had faith in the project sustained me when my confidence wavered. Solace in So Many Words wouldn't be anything without them -- not only are they generous artists, they're terrific writers, and I am not the only one who thinks so. Wally Swist's new book, Huang Po and the Dimensions of Love, was chosen by Yusef Komunyakaa as a co-winner in the Crab … [Read more...]
I really am grateful
Anyone who has worked on a project designing something, like remodeling a house, knows that sometimes it is not the big decisions that faze you, but the little choices. The designer may ask something simple about doors or locksets, like “Knobs or latches?” and you’re way-laid thinking about something you never gave much consideration to before. So it has been with me and front of the book stuff. One big stumbling block was deciding whether to have a separate page for … [Read more...]