Just want to make a quick post to let you know some upcoming events for Solace in So Many Words. Next up on January 26, Thursday, 7 pm, we will be reading at Wilmette Public Library, 1242 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091. J. Scott Smith, who lives in Wilmette, will be a featured reader and others on hand will include: Pamela Miller, Joan Corwin and D. J. Lachance. Our appreciation goes to Bonnie Forkosh who is arranging this event. Other big news is that … [Read more...]
December readings — don’t forget!
Hey there - We have two upcoming gigs in December and a newly announced gig in January at Wilmette Public Library. Here are all the details! This Monday, December 5, at 7 pm at Evanston Public Library, Main branch, Community meeting room, Evanston writers Susan Spaeth Cherry, Joan Corwin, Carol Kanter, Paula W. Peterson and Pat Rahmann along with editor Ellen Wade Beals and other contributors such as Pamela Miller, J. Scott Smith, and Kathleene Donahoo and D. J. Lachance … [Read more...]