I have been meaning to write a blog about Facebook for quite some time now, especially after I read Shawn Misener’s funny poem (see guest blog). I never thought I would be a booster for FB, but I am.
Before I had FB I couldn’t imagine what I would post on FB, but I have found that I like having an outlet, a little place to share what I have found interesting.
Posting on FB is easy, easier than blogging, that’s for sure. Blogging you have to write in sentences, maybe come to a conclusion. With FB, all I need is a couple of words and a link.
When I was growing up, the job in journalism I always envied was Irv Kupcinet’s. I loved his column in the Chicago Sun-Times and the whole idea of writing a sentence or two about the doings of a lot of people. (I read Stella Foster now, glad that column was passed down to his hard-working assistant.) Kup was kind of like FB. Now that I think about it, he kept track of birthdays too.
I have become “friends” (and I use that word in the FB sense) with lots of cool people–people who like to read and write poetry or talk about books and authors and music (or post pics of clouds or inspirational sayings). Funny how FB has influenced our ability to make connections in the world. I am now communicating with many people who seem to be of like mind, let’s say that. Don’t get me wrong, I realize that we are all using the social network to promote our ourselves or our stuff. But some people on FB seem especially nice and I feel a sincere connection to them. I don’t know if we really could possibly be friends without the quotation marks, but in my head we are compatriots.
But that’s not to say I haven’t had my FB problems. FB is a something of a mixed bag for me. Most times it is a positive. But not always. Sometimes my finger hits the “share” button when maybe I only should have “liked” something. If that.
Sometimes my posts get me in trouble. Like the other day when I posted a funny photo with a crude caption, never thinking twice, until someone pointed it out to me: “Wow—that is really offensive.”
I don’t want to be offensive. Especially if I am not intending to offend.
So I deleted the post immediately. But it has stayed with me still. I can’t bristle, not even weakly, at the fact that I was reprimanded, invoking the “C’mon, it was funny; don’t be so PC,” admonition because it wasn’t even a well-written joke. Or something I cared about. It was a flip decision to share what I thought was a chuckle.
Hardee-har-har. Turned out not to be a yuck, only yucky.
FB has its repercussions. It used to be my big mouth would get me in trouble. Now it is my twitchy typing fingers. Of course, it’s the same need for attention that drives them both.
So I guess the lessons for me are obvious: 1) think before I post and 2) share less and like more. Wish me luck.
As to the cool things I have come across on FB, I have updated the links to sites and blogs in the sidebar.
Nostrovia! Poetry was added at the request of its founder Jeremiah Walton who is the force behind this poetry blog. I’ve got to give it to Jeremiah especially since his site says he is still in high school. I’ve been reading the blogs of Francesca (Frankie) Zelnick and you may like them (she has one on the subject of FB too). Also, James Goertel has a new blog (All Lit Up) that has had some great posts. Curbside Splendor is another gem as are This Blog Will Change Your Life and The Nervous Breakdown.
One more thing. If you are on FB, please “like” the page for Solace in So Many Words. I’ve increased my number of FB friends but the page for the book is not exactly sailing in the breeze since it has a measly 32 fans.
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