Here’s some news. Kathleen Kirk has two poems and “If I Were the Cherry Wood Piano” and “The Body” in the latest issue of Rose Red Review.
On April 16, Donna Hilbert’s poem “Gravity” was published on the Silver Birch site.
As I mentioned before, a photograph I took (“Cold Heart”) is the cover for the latest issue of Vine Leaves Literary Journal. This paragraph on the journal’s submission page will let you know what the publication is about:
“’Vignette’ is a word that originally meant ‘something that may be written on a vine-leaf.’ It’s a snapshot in words. It differs from flash fiction or a short story in that its aim does not lie within the realms of traditional structure or plot. The vignette focuses on one element, mood, character, setting or object. It’s descriptive, excellent for character or theme exploration and wordplay. Through a vignette, you create an atmosphere.”
Vine Leaves is a multinational effort, with editors from Australia, Canada and Greece working on it. Jessica Bell is the Publishing Editor and Designer. The 44-page digital magazine shows off the work of more than thirty writers and eight artists. It is visually stunning. As you might have guessed, each piece is short and complete on one page. There is much to admire in this issue. Manda Frederick’s descriptive talent in her poem “On Icicles” will bring to mind this Chicago winter’s stalactites of “ice-locked water.” You must read “My Father,” the poem by Gleah Powers to see what she describes as a “methane star snowflake.” Kevin Tosca’s piece “There is Danger Everywhere” addresses one of our basic cravings. Ray Scanlon’s “Family” is wry and touching. In short, there is so much more here to look at besides my cover, I hope you download and read it.
I guess one of the reasons I have not posted lately is that I have been writing and submitting my work to various calls and contests.
Here is a list of indispensable sources for submission info:
New Pages, “the portal of independents, devoted to “News, information and guides to independent bookstores, independent publishers, literary magazines, alternative periodicals, independent record labels, alternative newsweeklies and more.” It is updated often.
CRWROPPS, which stands for the Creative Writers Opportunity List, a Yahoo pages run by poet Allison Joseph. New info is posted daily, sometimes hourly. So grateful to Allison for this.
The Practicing Writer, the free newsletter put out by the writer Erika Dreifus. Erika, like Allison, is an altruistic writer–thankful for these informative postings.
Hope this helps you to place your work. And remember if you have writing or art that you’d like to share here, hit me up: weighedwords at gmail.
Peace, love, and solace
Wow, thank you so much for all your kinds words!