Hello. I’m checking in to say hi, wondering how you all are faring. It seems to me everyone is anxious these days and maybe depressed and angry too. Keep heart. Here’s a new diversion for you.
My friend Sharon Fiffer and her husband Steven Fiffer, both well-known Evanston writers, recently started STORIED STUFF: Show and Tell For Grown-Ups. It launched May 25.
Here’s how Sharon describes it: “At storied-stuff.com, come discover the treasures that others hold dear—and share your memories across miles and generations.
Steve and I developed the idea for storied-stuff.com, our new website, after a particularly revealing Zoom get-together when we asked old friends who, like us, were sequestered in their homes, to show some memento from their past, something they’d saved and tell us a story about why the object is important. This turned into an evening of recollections and revelations. Even though the group had been lifelong friends, new stories were told and deeper connections were forged.
In fact it worked so well that Steve suggested we offer Show and Tell on a larger scale. Instead of allowing our world to shrink during our stay-at-home, why not invite the world to visit, to share and to engage?
STORIED STUFF is the passion project of our brainstorming. It’s a website that celebrates the cherished objects of individuals along with their stories. No advertising, no promotions, no passwords.
As writers who have edited three collections of memoir together, HOME, FAMILY, and BODY, and who have been teaching writing workshops together for over 12 years, Steve and I welcomed the idea of working together again on a project near and dear to our hearts. We begin by hosting six guest contributors and will post two new pieces each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We invited some people to be among the first to share and their responses and stories are wonderful. Now we’d like to invite you to become a regular visitor and, we hope you’ll join in and participate by sending a picture and a story. All of the information on how to do that is on the site.
Please join us at Storied-stuff.com. Bookmark the site and become a regular. Please like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram
Enjoy the photos, the stories, comment and read OTHER STUFF, where Steve and I take some deeper looks at stuff on the page—and some of our own “other stuff.”
And, most important, consider contributing your own story. Instead of making our worlds smaller, let’s connect and be part of something big and beautiful.”
Do you have stuff you want to write about? Submit.
Peace, love, and solace
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