The Fitting You turn, turn, turn as the seamstress pins lace onto the perfect hem of your wedding dress. You turn on command. Reflected over and over in the mirrored room you surround us. "Fits like a glove," the seamstress says, then crowns you with flowers silk and braided pearls, a froth of veil softens your wild, loose hair. Somewhere in the shop your father waits. Since you asked him to come that he should see you this way before the … [Read more...]
Benefits of membership: The Writers
Writing is known to be a solitary profession. For the most part the writer has to be alone. But when it comes to critiquing your work and revising it, the voice in your head isn't always right. That's when it is particularly useful to have another's opinion, especially if this other person is a serious writer too. Then once you have a finished work and you have it published or an opportunity to read it, once again, it's nice to have other writers you can count on to be your … [Read more...]
Blooming congrats
Looking back, looking forward
If you read my last post you know that Solace in So Many Words is one-year-old. I have been thinking of the highlights from the past year. But before I give that account let me tell you how great it was that last week started with congratulatory flowers, sent by neighbor and mentor Fran Podulka and her husband Phil to celebrate the gold medal award Solace in So Many Words won from the Next Generation Indie Awards sponsored by Independent Book Publishing Professionals … [Read more...]
Gratitude, part 2
I guess the most logical way for me to lay out my series of thank-yous is go about it chronologically. If I start at the very beginning I must start by thanking Fran Podulka, my neighbor and mentor. Soon after I moved in, I was going through a Reynolds Price phase. While searching the library stacks for his works, I came across Fran's novel The Wonder Jungle (Putnam, 1973). I read it, called her, told her I was a writer myself, and we have been friends since. Fran … [Read more...]