Gateway Gateway to heaven, Cecropia flits to my doorway, flaps her wings, Morse code from God, life everlasting, she lays her full body against my brass doorknob. Her journey is done, her wings are tattered, she will lay her eggs and disappear. Like all faith, she is ephemeral and falls down from the skies. How did she find me? How did she know I was seeking solace? And she brought a disciple, another Cecropia, much smaller, that lay beside the lit porch … [Read more...]
Guest Post: “One More Thing” by Lesléa Newman
“One More Thing,” this wonderful poem by Lesléa Newman, seemed to me to segue very well from the last guest post, “Smoking” by Laura Rodley. On first reading this poem made me think of the past. Subsequent readings made me think of the present. I know it will make you think too. Thanks again to Lesléa Newman for letting me share her work here. ONE MORE THING My mother crept downstairs at night, (I made believe I was asleep) She didn’t … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Laura Rodley “Seed Catalogs”
Seed Catalogs Almost time to plant inside, tiny plants emerging from peat pots, thirsting for sun’s slant to stout their sprout, break open their small hearts to bless us with heavenly scents, off charts. Tall sunflowers grow, to hold on their heads caps of snow next year, keep hungry birds fed. Brownbagging for winter, start indoor seeds now, squash, parsnips, tomatoes, feed hungry cows with corn spread later when soil’s just warm, plant garlic … [Read more...]
Laura Rodley “Given”
Given I was given these two hands, these two feet; I was given them without asking and they are mine. With my feet on your body I do walk on frozen ground where coyotes step, fishers, raccoons, and quail. With my breath I inhale your sweet liquor, the cold snap of four degrees; how my lungs crave your air inside me, its green perfume, though now your body is slick with ice, hard with frost, tasting green though I must cover … [Read more...]