Hey there sports fans. If you are into baseball, I‘ve got to think you’re mourning the death of the great Ernie Banks, #14. His face as a rookie ballplayer, which graced the front pages of the papers in Chicago, is something to behold: there’s a purity there not seen often. It shines through. Beautiful. It struck me because Sunday’s Chicago Tribune covered the death of Chicago’s hometown legend in the front pages and back in the sports pages too while the arts section … [Read more...]
What’s new with SISMW contributors? Rodley, Boyle, Hilbert, Mahan, Swist, Bass, Meno
Supposedly it’s spring. Last night we had a dusting of snow and today the temps are in the 20s. Most of the mounds of snow that accumulated over the winter are gone except for the waning piles that remain in the shady spots. I’ve seen robins and blue jays and all kinds of birds in the yard. Today’s photos in Glimpse of Solace are from a new contributor, Lisa Comperry. Today's Guest Post is a poem ("Seed Catalogs") by Laura Rodley. BTW, did you read Laura's poem for … [Read more...]
Our latest review — from Verse Wisconsin Online
Book Review Ellen Wade Beals, Ed., Solace, in So Many Words, Weighed Words, 2011 Reviewed by Kathleen Eull Those of us who have read more than a few anthologies know they can be, in a word often employed by critics, uneven. Collected by well-meaning editors with an unenviable task, we can find ourselves wondering why these pieces were selected as the best or representative. What a pleasure, then, to discover Ellen Wade Beals’s ambitious Solace In So Many Words. … [Read more...]
October news– T. C. Boyle, Carol Kanter, Wally Swist, Susan Mahan and more
T. C. Boyle's fourteenth novel was published in September by Viking. It is called San Miguel and on his blog, the author describes it this way: “It is set on the island of the same name, the most northern and westerly of the California Channel Islands, and the story it tells derives from my research into the ecology and history of the region for my previous novel, When the Killing’s Done. . . . This is my first book-length narrative in the conventional realist mode, sans … [Read more...]
Somehow it’s September. What’s new with Solace contributors?
I gotta lotta reasons for not writing the blog recently. Summer is ending. A household project is starting. The conventions are on. But you know the real reason is that sometimes I am just lazy. But contributors to Solace in So Many Words haven't been lazy. T. C. Boyle has a story "Birnam Wood" in The New Yorker (September 2, 2012 issue). Joe Meno is interviewed in TriQuarterly (June 17, 2012). Philip Levine has a poem "How to Get There" in February issue of Poetry, and … [Read more...]